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Who We Are

Photo of kim
Kimberly Dubblestein - Principal

The Dorien Hayward Agency

Kimberly named her company to honor the strong, independent women who influenced her, specifically her mother and mother-in-law. Her mother, the inspiration for the “Dorien” in the company name, was an entrepreneur with whom Kimberly closely worked on marketing and enhancing customer experience. The “Hayward” part of the name pays tribute to her mother-in-law, a pioneering working mother in the insurance investment industry during the 1960s and 1970s. Her resilience and bold spirit helped her succeed in this highly competitive environment.

With over 20 years of experience in Customer Experience and Event Marketing, Kimberly has held high-ranking executive roles in leading companies. She has crafted strategies to bolster client engagement and elevate the overall customer and brand experience, ensuring that her initiatives aligned with business goals. She has a track record of designing comprehensive, world-class experiences for events, both in-person and digital, on an international scale.

In her downtime, Kimberly enjoys being outdoors, engaging with nature, and traveling.

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